Activities and Social Action Projects
Volunteering is one of the pillars of the foundation’s Sustainable Ecosystem, since part of our mission is to mobilise citizens. At BarcelonActua, we promote volunteering as a truly life-changing experience in which each volunteer both gives (time, training, expertise, etc.) and at the same time receives (personal fulfilment, training, gratitude, recognition, etc.).
Like what you’ve read so far but don’t know where to start?
Come along to BACbenvinguda! This is an information session where we explain which of the Foundation’s programmes you can get involved in and help you choose the one that suits you best.
The next session is due to be held in person on 5th November at 5:30 p.m. at our head office. We look forward to seeing you!
I was homeless, and I came to BAC at the Raval dinners. Shortly after, I decided to start volunteering, and it was like breathing again. I could contribute, I could help, and that gave me life.
Mohamed Oussama, volunteer and youth at BACstation Gràcia.
When I first learned about BarcelonActua, it seemed like a project of change and hope. Starting as a volunteer allowed me to see that volunteering is activism, it’s about acting in line with your beliefs.
Victòria dels Àngels Pérez - Aula de Lectura Coordinator
Being a mentor is about going beyond. It's about making a young person feel part of the community, introducing them to your culture, your people... And what I like the most is when they open up, you feel the affection they have for you, and you know
Unai Sanchez - Mentor
As a lawyer, I realized that the people I dealt with regarding immigration issues were very lost. It's rewarding to volunteer and see how the work we do is very useful and allows us to move forward with the submission of immigration files.
Jordi Roses - Volunteer Lawyer in the Legal and Administrative Itinerary
Every time I volunteer, I come home full of love, joy, and learning. It truly is an exchange; at first, you think you're going to give, but everything comes back to you in an invaluable way.
Silvia Olle, Corporate volunteer with Danone.